My Journey.
They say that a journey of a thousand miles starts with just one step, and I have many such journeys under my belt. At the time of writing this, January of 2022, I am a 37 year old dad of 1 with another bundle of joy on the way. As I just stated, I am a father. I am also a computer programming student, full time freelancer, fitness enthusiast, health nut, convicted felon and former meth addict. Not one bit of that was a typo.
I won’t pull any punches or conceal any facts, Ive had a long journey before writing this. I’m here to share that journey, the journeys that came before, and more importantly to share the one I’ve started today.
The primary focus of this blog is to inform and inspire. I’ve met a thousand inspiring characters along my many journeys, and it would be an honor to carry on their legacy of inspiration.
I plan to share more than just my story. I plan to help others on their journey as well by giving advice, review services and goods that I use, and share the progress that I’ve made across every aspect of my ever evolving life. If just one step that I’ve made brings you value and helps you on your journey, then this blog will be a success in my eyes.
I’m not entirely sure where this will lead me. The path may be dark and desolate, or bright and bountiful, my guess is that it will be all and in-between. I intend to share the things that have helped me along my journey, and probably more importantly I will share the things that have hurt me along the way. Some of that pain was physical, some emotional, some as just simply hurt my progress and has kept me back in many aspects of my growth. I hope that by sharing these moments I can possibly help you at whatever point you find yourself along your journey through life.
I focus on having a growth mindset. I’m a forever learner, or at least that’s my hope. I never want to become stagnant again. I was stagnant, toxic, self-destructive to the point of almost dying. I let apathy guide me. I let complacency comfort me. No more. I will be all that I should be, all that I should have been, and all that I need to be. I am a father, a developer, a student, a husband, a brother. I am a simple man on a journey, join me and share this journey.